Want to learn more about energy efficiency?

We will have several EFKC Energy Efficiency Experts present at KC Bier Company on Wednesday, November 12, starting at 6pm, to answer all of your energy efficiency questions.  From insulation to windows and doors to HVAC, we can answer it all!  It's cold outside, so get your home weatherized!  Are you tired of spending too much money on electric and gas bills and still not being comfortable?  We can help by giving you advice on how to reduce your energy usage!  

Support local businesses by attending this event and you can support your local brewery, too!  KC Bier Company opened in February of this year to thirsty Kansas Citians and has since become one of the most successful breweries in Kansas City.  They've been distributing their bier to taverns and restaurants around Kansas City.

Register below to be entered to win a "Local Gift Package" worth over $50 that includes KC Chiefs merchandise, CFL light bulbs, a KC Bier Co membership, and more!  You don't have to register for the event to attend, but if you want an entry for the prize package you must register and must be present to win.  This is a free event.

Are you an Energy Expert and want to promote yourself and/or your business while sharing your expertise with homeowners and business owners?  Fill out the form below and we'll get in touch with you.  Only one expert from each field will be accepted.